BlueCircle for Commodity Seed Producers

An extra-long supply chain

Soy and corn are key crops in agriculture, nourishing and fueling the world. This complex supply chain requires fertilizers, seeds, machinery, and chemicals to control diseases. On top of these factors, there are other needs, such as financing, storage, and logistics — not to mention the unknowns of climate, demand, pricing and so on. It is a long cycle in the industry, with planning starting in general one year before the harvest of the crop.

For seed producers, the process can be even more challenging, since they must anticipate what is going to be planted, in what geography, what seed variety, and then plant and harvest the seeds. In countries like Brazil, which sees 2 harvest seasons in the year, this complexity is compounded still.

Optimization is

Nature is not exact, causing variations in yield, vitality, and overall quality of the seeds. Many seed farmers find themselves subcontracting other growers to plant the seeds for next season’s sales.

Being wrong on your forecast, or short/long on seed production leads to costly consequences: losing a % point of market share in the seed market has an impact of millions; conversely, having to destroy seeds that did not sell is also very costly — financially and for the environment.

Although many seed suppliers have ERP and other systems, it can be difficult to put all this information together to make timely decisions to maximize the operations.


  • BlueCircle will integrate data from internal or external structured sources like ERP, SIOP, regular weather predictions, and published future pricing of the commodity, along with historical harvest data to create a comprehensive and accurate model of your production network.The BlueCircle platform uses AI and machine learning to make sense out of countless combinations of “unrelated” data, providing you with actionable alerts and insights for decision making — saving costs, optimizing timing and inventory, and increasing service level to the farmer.
Optimize your wine supply chain with BlueCircle’s Dynamic
Season Yield Platform
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